Fired Bill Carmody: Season gets worse even though it ended eleven days ago

Monday, March 19, 2007

Season gets worse even though it ended eleven days ago

we already knew that the big ten sucked this season, so this is not a surprise. only the Luckeyes remain, and even they had no business winning on saturday. of course, all of this makes NU's lack of success even harder to stomach. going 2-14 in the league is understandable if NU were playing in the NBA's western conference, but in fact they're getting beaten soundly and repeatedly by very, very average teams.

tommy amaker just got fired for winning 57% of his total games and 45% of his conferences games. and he SHOULD have been fired. he stinks. in one more year than amaker, carmody has won 46% and 31%. i am not crazy enough to compare goals and expectations of Michigan vs. Northwestern, but my point is that amaker was let go for the same reason carmody should be let go: lack of (perceived, real or otherwise) progress.

when you combine the fact that the big ten sucks and quality academic institutions like Georgetown and Vanderbilt (they don't even have an effing athletic department!) are in the sweet sixteen, we get a painful reminder of how far NU has to go.


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