Fired Bill Carmody: Time to watch the non-NIT postseason tournament

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time to watch the non-NIT postseason tournament

on a personal level, the only good thing about NU choking their way out of the NCAA tournament is that it means i didn't have to sell my tickets for Thursday/Saturday games in Pittsburgh and buy an expensive last minute flight to Albuquerque or Greensboro. my to-do list for the next four days is as follows:

1. watch Jared Sullinger get all the calls against inferior competition.
2. watch Jared Sullinger bitch about the scarce foul calls that do go against him.
3. party with Larry Eustachy.
4. stay the hell away from Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Fine.

in the meantime, AC is in charge.

go 'cats.


Blogger AC said...

Here is a quick comparison:

Coach A (in 12 years at the same university):
1. 0 winning seasons in his conference
2. 1 finish in the top half of the conference
3. 8 finishes of 8th or worse
4. .327% conference winning %
5. 0 NCAA tournament appearances despite the field adding 4 more teams and 1/4 of all teams making it every year (so just by dumb fucking luck a major conference team should fall in to a tournament bid once every four years).
6. 0 NBA players recruited
7. 0 NBDL players recruited
8. 0 other teams employing his coaching gimmicks

Coach B:

1. Anyone fucking else.

For all those Car-no-windy supporters still out there (and AC thinks there are 3 left: Jim Phillips, Jim Phillips, and whoever Carshitty paid to take the picture of Jim Phillips fellating a goat (because what else could Carshitty be using as blackmail to keep his job this long?)), here is a simple question:

If Car-no-win-dy is such a great coach and is just hampered by NU's facilities, admissions process, lack of history, and any other made up excuse that apparently Stanford, Duke, & Harvard somehow don't have, then WHY THE FUCK AREN'T OTHER SCHOOLS BANGING DOWN THE DOOR TO HIRE HIM?

In Carshitty's 12 years there have been a fuckton of job openings at bigger schools with better athletic departments, so why the fuck have none of those ADs said "wow, Carshitty has done such a great job taking NU from on average finishing last to now finishing 3rd from last in the Big Ten that we think his gimmick offense and defense mixed with our facilities and lack of admissions standards will clearly create a winner?"

No, seriously. If Carshitty is so fucking good, shouldn't Illinois or Nebraska be looking to hire him? Or maybe every college AD not at NU realizes that his stupid system doesn't work and he recruits worse than Chet Haze looking for back-up dancers in the LBC.

AC has said it for years now, but NU will never make the tournament with Carshitty and he is 99.69% sure Jim Phillips will extend Car-no-win-dy's contract for another couple of years to lock in 9th place in the Big Ten for the forseeable future (though PSU is going to get much better under Chambers, Nebraska won't be dormant for long, Illinois is due to get better, and NU will likely revert to the Carshitty 6 win Big Ten mean).

Fuck Carmody.


PS. AC would love him some Danny Hurley as head coach, or just make things right and bring Craig Robinson back.

3/18/12, 2:06 PM  

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